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Healthy Bedroom: How to get better sleep?

Sleep represents more than a third of our lives, it's an essential and involuntary process without which we cannot function effectively. During our sleep, the body repairs, regenerates, and recovers. Getting better sleep is just as crucial as maintaining a consistent exercise routine and a well-balanced diet. Nevertheless, most adults don't get enough sleep each night. If this applies to you, here are the benefits of better sleep and some tips!

Better sleep and its advantages

The key to trouble-free sleep is that it is of good quality. The amount of sleep each person needs is different. However, the American Sleep Foundation recommends that healthy adults sleep seven to nine hours per night. And babies, children, and teenagers need even more to aid their growth and development. [1]

Neglecting our sleep not only impacts our performance at work but also poses a significant risk to our overall health and well-being. Lack of sleep (insomnia) can lead to not only physical fatigue and weakened immunity but also the risk of developing certain diseases such as strokes, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. [2]

better sleep

The study published on Medical News Today shows that good sleep quality improves concentration, productivity, and cognition. Sleep is a vital process for our brain to consolidate memories and process information effectively. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends getting a good night's sleep to regulate blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease. Therefore, it's essential to prioritize quality sleep as part of our overall health and well-being routine. [3]

Finally, better sleep can help adults improve their immune systems, prevent mood disorders, and even lose weight.

5 tips to get better sleep

Have a consistent sleep schedule

Go to bed at the same time, including on weekends. It helps regulate the internal clock and makes it easier to fall asleep at night. According to a US Study published in 2018 [4], adults who have a regular bedtime are likely to weigh less than those who don't, to have lower blood sugar and to face a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes. Indeed, people with irregular sleep cycles disrupt their circadian cycle, which affects their calorie elimination and their sugar metabolism. Also, don't neglect naps: naps are beneficial because they help you get to sleep.

Stop taking stimulants

Be careful what you eat and drink.

Avoid heavy meals two to three hours before sleep. The discomfort may cause you to lose sleep. Experts suggest refraining from sleeping pills or consuming stimulants like alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine.

The stimulating effects of nicotine and caffeine can remain in the body for an average of three to five hours, and for some individuals, up to 12 hours, which can significantly interfere with sleep. According to a sleep expert of the University of Michigan  [5], you should avoid drinking caffeine 8 hours before going to bed to eliminate all caffeinated products. And although alcohol may make you feel drowsy initially, it can disrupt your sleep cycle, making you more likely to wake up during the night.

Avoid strenuous exercise before bedtime

Including physical activity in your daily routine can help reduce anxiety, relieve stress, and promote better sleep. However, avoid exercising within two to three hours of sleep. Exercise increases adrenaline production in the body and disrupts sleep cycles.

Avoid screens

Pay attention to the presence of gadgets and electronic equipment, such as computers, smartphones, tablets, TV... The blue light emitted from electronic screens suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate your sleep cycle, which can negatively impact your sleep quality. It's advisable to refrain from using them two to three hours before bedtime.

Also, try to eliminate distractions from your bedroom. It's best to watch TV and play video games in another room. It helps you to relax without distractions in your bedroom.

purify the indoor air to get a better sleep

Purify your indoor air

The air quality in your home can be 5 to 10 times more polluted than the air outside. [6] Indoor air can contain many pollutants and health hazards. These substances come from different sources: outdoor air, micro-organisms, cigarette smoke, heating or even cleaning products, furniture, or floor coverings...

As we spend about 80% of our time indoors, we're often exposed to various pollutants. We absorb them through our breath and skin, causing coughing, sneezing, and feeling tired when we wake up. Moreover, the bedroom is one of the places where we spend the most time. So the air must be healthy: the air free of pollutants helps you to breathe better, leading to better sleep.

3 proven benefits of sleeping with an air purifier

  • Reduce allergens
  • About 25% of French people suffer from an allergic disease. [7] Allergy sufferers are twice as likely to have sleep problems as those without allergies: 73.5% of adults and 65.8% of children with allergies suffer from disturbed sleep. [8] Indeed, allergens can trigger allergies causing various health problems that affect your sleep. Frequent coughing, sneezing, stuffy nose... are the most common allergy symptoms that can cause you to have a sleepless night.

    ALso read: Allergy explosion: air pollution to blame

  • Eliminate all air pollutants
  • Yes, it's still crucial to air out your enclosed spaces by opening the windows for 10 to 15 minutes in the morning and evening, especially if you're doing indoor renovations or cleaning. Nevertheless, an air purifier speeds up the removal of particles, both airborne and indoor, such as dust. Air cleaners can reduce the chances of health problems caused by indoor pollutants.

    A quick reminder: exposure to pollutants can trigger respiratory infections, neurological problems, or aggravated symptoms in people with asthma.

    Also read: Treatment of asthma : what are the home remedies?

  • Reduce snoring
  • Snoring can impact both your sleep quality and that of your partner. It occurs when the airflow through the mouth and nose is blocked.

    And yes! Sleeping on your side is often recommended to reduce snoring, as this position encourages breathing through your nose rather than your mouth. But here's an extra solution: clean air can help the airflow through the mouth and nose, and thus reduce snoring. Because poor quality air irritates the upper airways, leading to stuffy, inflamed noses.

    Air purifiers remove the pollutants that cause these symptoms. The result: you'll snore much less and better sleep.

    "My sleep has improved greatly since I purchased my TEQOYA purifier. I'm a heavy snorer and have sleep apnea. But I've noticed a significant reduction in my snoring and apnea since I started using the device. Therefore, the night is more restful, and I feel better in the morning. I have recommended TEQOYA to my friends, and I'm ordering another one. I have rarely been so satisfied with a purchase!" - Mr. Tim, France (read all testimonials).

    Comfortably silent, you can sleep next to your TEQOYA air purifier without fearing any noise disturbance. In terms of performance, they eliminate 99.9% of airborne particles in your home: dust, pollen, viruses, molds...

    Energy-efficient and without filters to change, the newborn TEQOYA E500 traps particles of any size inside and also bad smells 24 hours a day! With its reusable filter, TEQOYA E500 cleans the air in a single room of up to 30 m².

    Breathe healthy air and sleep in the best conditions with TEQOYA purifiers!

    Discover our solutions


[1] National Sleep Foundation. The Bedroom Environment.

[2] Medical News Today. What to know about sleep deprivation

[3] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. How Does Sleep Affect Your Health?

[4] Scientific reports, September 2018 :

[5] University of Michigan expert, Dr. Deirdre Conroy:

[6] OQAI. Pollutions étudier la pollution intérieure dans les lieux de vie.

[7] Ministère de la Santé et de la Prévention. Asthme, allergies et maladies respiratoires.

[8] Association Asthme & Allergies. Communiqué de presse : 17e Journée Française de l'Allergie ce mardi 21 mars 2023. Communique-de-presse-JFA-2023.pdf (


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