In France, asthma affects around 4 million people and is responsible for many hospitalisations each year (nearly 60,000).. Asthma can be hereditary or environmentally related due to allergens. present indoors (dust mites, moulds), outdoor allergens (pollens and moulds), cigarette smoke, chemicals, air pollution, especially fine particles.
On average, people who eat a lot of fruit and vegetables tend to be healthier and have healthier lung function. The Swiss National Science Foundation conducted a recent study with the Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (University Hospital of Vaud). on mice. The research shows that mice fed a high-fibre diet had fewer lung infections in the presence of mites than mice not fed the high-fibre diet. Enjoy seasonal products to fill your plate with a rainbow of colours for the best mix of vitamins and minerals.
Essential omega-3 fatty acids, naturally present in fatty fish such as herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, fresh tuna... have been shown to help reduce inflammation of the lungs.
Magnesium is necessary for the proper functioning of the muscles and would be beneficial for asthmatics by relaxing the muscles around the bronchial tubes. Magnesium can be found in many foods: whole grains (whole wheat pasta), quinoa, brown rice), nuts (peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds), seeds (pumpkin seeds, sesame and sunflower seeds), legumes (baked beans, kidney beans, chickpeas) and seafood (mussels, mackerel, salmon, sardines).
Good stress management can act as a natural treatment for asthma. In fact, stress is a common trigger for asthma. In addition to talking therapies, there are several different treatments to help you manage stress and anxiety.
Yoga and breathing exercises effectively help patients to relieve stress, control their breathing and strengthen their lungs, airways and diaphragm. There is also the breathing technique Buteyko, which consists of shallow breathing exercises designed to help people with asthma to breathe better.
Not only do many people use and enjoy massage therapy, but studies indicate that it is an excellent method for reducing stress. There are many different types of massage therapy, but no matter what type you choose, keep in mind that not to let the practitioner know that you have asthma. This is important because practitioners may use a massage oil containing VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that can trigger asthma symptoms.
Hypnotherapy can be an effective relaxation treatment for anxiety and panic disorder, which are triggers for asthma. It is also a treatment that some people choose to help them quit smoking. This method is the use of hypnosis for therapy, i.e. the introduction of lasting changes in the patient's mind. Hypnosis has met with growing success among doctors since the 1950s, including in France.
Research suggests that asthma and exposure to air pollution are related to. Air pollution contains harmful substances that can be toxic to the respiratory tract. It has been shown that exposure Prenatal air pollution increases the risk of wheezing and the development of asthma in children. While outdoor pollution plays a harmful role in asthma, indoor air pollution should not be neglected, which is 5 to 7 times more polluted than the outside air. And since we spend about 80% of our time indoors, it is important to have a healthy house in order to preserve our health as well as possible.
In order to evacuate indoor pollutants as much as possible, it is important to ventilate your home well. A poorly ventilated house can cause problems, both for your home and for your health, resulting in a risk of humidity, mildew. In France, one out of 3 dwellings is affected by mould, and these moulds can make asthma worse and increase the risk of asthma in adulthood. Finally, ventilate for at least 15 minutes a day: especially if you are doing work on your home. for indoor renovations or when you are doing housework.
Household products that are generally found in supermarkets contain numerous allergens, endocrine disruptors and many substances that affect the respiratory tract. These chemical particles can become very irritating for asthmatics, and can be a factor in an asthma attack. Prefer natural products from natural and non-toxic products such as white vinegar or black soap. They will allow you to breathe healthy air.
With the tip9, the old version of the TEQOYA T200, find the testimony of Alexandra, suffering from asthma.
Natural environments are rich in negative ions. This is precisely the principle on which the air ionizer is based on. However, do you know how this technology manages to capture the pollution particles contained in the indoor air to purify your home?
In December 2019, a respiratory virus of the Coronavirus family appeared in the Wuhan region of China and has now spread to all continents.
Purifying indoor air while protecting your health and the planet is possible! Say goodbye to filters and make way for negative ions: choose an eco-responsible air purifier that will easily reduce energy and resource consumption.